Thursday, September 17, 2009


Dear ______,
I have always wanted to write this note to you. It's hard to not even know your name, or where you are, or even if your out there! I do know one thing, we will meet one day. That day will come and go like any other day but you will stay. You will never leave me in the good times or bad, and sickness or health. Hand in hand is where we will always be. I see bonds destroyed between man and women like nothing ever happened. Our bond will stay firm.
I wonder what you look like. You better look good! Please come join me soon to finish off our life long journey. How long will we be together?
I want a big family. You better like kids. Adoption has always been on my heart. Biological kids too. Be like my dad, never for a second make them wonder if you love them. Please come soon.
Have you even thought about me? I think of you daily. The mystery of what your doing has always come to my mind. Do you know how much your loved even not knowing me?
I hope you get this letter and remember to wait for me. Please don't waste your love on any other girl.
I love you.

1 comment:

Madison said...

LOVE IT ! this is cute! <3